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Welcome to
Katonte Development Perspectives

KDP is a development consultancy that analyses political and economic circumstances of different sectors and places. We seek to understand who holds power, how they acquired it, and strategies they employ to maintain it.

Our goal is not to counter this power or work against it but to work out, given these circumstances, what can and cannot sensibly be done to help progress the process of positive change.

KDP focuses its support on WORKING politically. This includes, facilitating knowledge transfer between actors in an informal way, not through formal coalitions. KDP shares its experience with project managers on how to navigate complex political arrangements, devising effective change advocacy action.

Our Product

KDP is a new company, but its staff and associates bring a wealth of experience to the development field, both in thinking and in working politically. We have worked and liaised together in this field, and think in a similar way. We aim to “do development differently,” focussing on demand as opposed to supply-driven development. 


Political Economy Analysis

KDP specialises in looking into the specific political and economic circumstances in places, and with respect to different sectors.


Political Economy into Strategy 

Doing PEA studies yields strategic implications. PEA can generate a more politically informed risk analysis, will sometimes demonstrate how work on a particular topic might prove to be more productive and suggests particular ways of working.


Implementing Politically 

KDP, with its experience, can help clients and implementing partners manage things flexibly, weaving delicately through the political jungle, contributing to the delivery of cost effective results.


Adaptive Monitering And Evaluation

KDP delivers MEL systems that utilise outcome mapping principles. Instead of relying upon fixed results frameworks, we promote the development and use of indicators of success driven by achievement of projected results that are frequently reviewed.

The Team

Tom Wingfield

Tom Wingfield

Senior Associate

PEA, Adaptive MERL and Climate

Simon Foot

Simon Foot

Managing Director and Co-Founder

Political Implementation, PEA and Growth

Wilf Mwamba

Wilf Mwamba

Senior Associate

Political Implementation and PEA

Okey Ibeanu

Okey Ibeanu

Senior Associate

Political Economy, Research and Elections 

Guy Lodge

Guy Lodge

Senior Associate |Kivu International 

Politically Driven Policy and Advocacy

Bev Jones

Bev Jones

Senior Associate | Port Meadow Consulting 

Anthropology, Politics and Facilitation 

Tuntu Mwalyambwire

Senior Associate 

Political Implementation, PEA and Research

Adam Foot

Adam Foot

Programme Manager and Co-Founder

Politics of Development, Growth and Investment

Dan Oothuizen

Dan Oosthuizen

Associate | Port Meadow Consulting 

Anthropology and Politics

Our Core Values 

We are dedicated to developing young talent to see things through a locally driven and politically sensitive lens; we look to link change to business growth as a driver of service delivery and development which can help build democratizing classes from within; We aim to use some of our profits to support social enterprise; and doing our own development to help local communities.

Developing Young Talent 

We seek to provide junior positions for young development professionals from all backgrounds so they can learn from our “working politically” experience, and carry this approach forward in the aid business. 

Business Drives Development and Peace

Katonte is all about thinking and working politically. This carries it into fields concerned not just with governance reform, but more into the field of growth as a driver for service delivery, peace and environment, and growing democratising classes. 

Our Connection to Social Enterprise

Building on our commitment to business growth as a route to development and democracy, we aim to put this idea into practice by mobilising capital to invest in social enterprise. 

Why Katonte ?

Katonte village is in north central Zambia. Katonte Healthcare Programme (NGO) was founded in 2014 by Theresa Chikoti Foot who passed away in 2016. SImon and Adam, the co-founders of KDP, have named the company in her memory. 

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